Sunday, November 8, 2009

Compatibility Of Having Same Birthday


usual care, MASTERS OF SECTION XXII After the alleged hiring of fellow graduates of different degrees normal school in the state of Oaxaca, there have been several doubts and disagreements by our colleagues at the levels of teacher education . Alert
fellow graduates from falling into the college game, the reforms are entering through the front door, before signing any documentation so consult or ask yourself am doing the right thing. The institute is asked to not play with fellow alumni or that are conditioned to get a memorandum that provides many guarantees of work, colleagues are currently cornered, between accepting a simple role of location and not be guaranteed to get your key work.
At the level of conflicts of Section XXII are asked to direct support to our colleagues, for their proper employment. Given the uncertainty of hiring ex-partner to our base and we usually are in favor of a just and democratic struggle against the corruption and bad we are handling the subject as students.
normals we stand .. -total support to SECTION XXII -Support for SME workers.
-Support for graduates of our normal public.
-In against the Alliance for Quality Education.

Dine in the fight.


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