Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How To Remove Ear Pads Salomon Helm Ranger

Gaspar tells her experience

hello my name is diego olmedo gaspar, I have dsd February 32 and 01 suffer from ela dl, I'll tell you radical change that tube from my life that I could use and / or operate a computer, all thanks to the occupational therapist martinez m Marilina contacted mana development, thank you both and not feel so limited m this I say x dl state body, xq due to illness the same c encuetra quadriplegic, except for some facial muscles, in which I have control of the jaw, with which I drive a swich, that mana adapted to developments arm that reaches my chin, the swich serves dl dl left mouse button, and two keyboards provided by that company x, and another one called indepediente called advanced.
the indepediente m to create permanent records, such as the biography from that disease, which I write, and to call the infirmary, however the advanced meters can chat, write emails and surf x internet, thanks to this I can connect m my home, friends, family, and all those people who can not or''no''c encourage to come. I am eternally grateful to
developments flowing through PC xq cm believed closed doors opened, my desire for q units is god bless you always. Gaspar


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