Sunday, February 21, 2010

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! we all ; ..:: Listen to the audio:: .. CALDERON sought to impose a dangerous precedent COLLEGES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND SCHOOLS REMOVED AND CREATE SCHOOLS TO SIT interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary PROFESSIONAL HYBRID AND MULTI
The Committee of the Student Assembly of the Autonomous University of Morelos State (UAEM) has spoken out against University Statute adopted on 30 June 2009 and in force since Jan. 2010 (see La Jornada Morelos
, 02/13/1910). This statute transforms the structure of the public university of Morelos, eliminates the faculties and schools and affiliated institutions to become research institutions in its three campuses (campi and not, as mistakenly says the text.) Campuses and institutes are organized, it is expressly stated under the premise academic-interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, a decentralized (anything that the first two criteria above mean). Centers will be shaped by an academic units or more problem areas or knowledge and will depend on the institutes.
(see: / transparency / compendium / Estatuto_Universitario.pdf
So far there are still colleges and vocational schools where there are bachelor's degrees, diplomas and specialty master's and doctoral degrees. The new statute does not say on any item which will be awarded degrees and diplomas to their graduates and how to call these centers. Students of the committee referred to revert require the designation of schools and colleges and institutes continue to be what they are: research.
currently has UAEM a number of degrees: in biology, pharmacy, nursing, medicine, psychology, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, mathematics, various engineering, management, accounting, law, sociology, economics, history, philosophy, anthropology, art, architecture and more related to the agricultural sciences. These degrees are offered in faculties and professional schools on three campuses. Graduate specialties taught at the Faculty of Psychology, Medicine, Architecture and Social and Administrative Sciences. Masters and doctorates, they exist in education and humanities, sciences exact and engineering, health sciences, social sciences, architecture, etc., also taught at the faculties of the three campuses.

The mean transdisciplinary transcend existing disciplines by problematic fields or fields of knowledge. And instead of forming interdisciplinary teams in high schools, want to do interdisciplinary professionals, something like entities without proper definition, todólogos in a certain area of \u200b\u200bknowledge to meet the demands of enterprises for their middle managers in their mode (no new, of course) from employing multi-purpose, leaving the management office to graduates of private universities remain among specialists and had not considered modifications as we discussed. What we are trying to disappear faculties and schools of philosophy, history, social science, letters, art and all those who are not considered useful by the market (and its interpreters). The same shall include the basic sciences. Why become physicists, mathematicians, chemists and biologists if it is cheaper to buy immediate scientific results and technologies in the first world countries? (Maquiladora country syndrome "?) Basically, the education model being pursued is that of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)-in conjunction with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank for developing countries. OECD is suggested that, since 2000, and problem areas of knowledge and adapt to these higher education. And these suggestions are not new, are targeted to the needs of innovation and productivity certain, while, for big business interests and the governments subservient to them, like Calderon and before those of Zedillo and Fox .
forgive me, but what seems to be claimed with the interdisciplinary undergraduate and postgraduate courses (not to be confused with groups interdisciplinary research institutes) is equivalent to wanting to be mules instead of horses or mares. Mules are, with rare exception, infertile, are hybrid animals defined as a result of quality, of course, depends on many years of research and techniques developed by specialists in animal breed. What will happen to existing disciplines to subordinate themselves to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary centers, on the pretext of scarcity of resources, useful research contracted to companies and governments that serve them (and knowledge problem areas defined by them)?
disgruntled students in Morelos are right. And if you impose the PAN-pragmatic model UAEM (the Statute, with the changes, and is current, but not irreversible), it is doubtful that spread to the rest of the country's public universities. Already been tried in the UNAM rector at the time of Barnes and postgraduate unfortunately imposed on all social sciences. ITAM, the ITESM and other private universities will be very happy. Well
principals have said De la Fuente and Narro, UNAM: if education is a public good, should not be subject to the needs and laws of the market.
La Jornada. Mexico DF jueves18 Published February 2010 at 16:29 hrs.
REPOTEROS: Georgina Saldierna
BALLINA AND VICTOR MEXICO, DF. Writers, intellectuals and political scientists supported the constitutional reform that includes the word "secular" in the definition of the Mexican state.
Carlos Monsivais, Enrique Gonzalez Pedrero, Rosaura Ruiz, Beatriz Pagés, Rodolfo Echeverria and Ruperto Patino attended the forum "Secularism and Democracy: 150 years of freedom of thought" made in the Senate.
criticized Monsivais the intent of the Mexican right and the government of Felipe Calderón to prevent this reform is part of a broader strategy that seeks to deny rights to minorities to impose their beliefs.
"is intended to isolate Mexico City and return the entire country banned the lap where the lack of rights," said the writer and journalist.
MOBILIZATION / 25 FEBRUARY 2010, AT 4 PM ON VIADUCT TO BASE the people of Mexico:
In 2010 we launched a series of increases that hit us hard, rose metro ticket, VAT, increase food among many other things and to top it tells us more increases to come. The only thing that does not increase wages and employment, last year we have seen massive layoffs and when the only thing left is to sell on the street, we evicted. More and more families are homeless, hungry, you know them and know it's true. Although the government figures show job growth is a lie, I do not see ever.
It seems that the government is against us, his people, who put them up there and attack us daily. We just want to express our dissatisfaction with their mishandling of authority and then after hit us with the police or the military.
The only ones who thrive and enrich the rulers, or you know one that does not Agha? And the poor getting poorer and even beaten.
join our demonstration on 25 February 2010, at 4pm viaduct to the socket. And so together we show our dissatisfaction with such injustice that we are artos and you too. Join workers, traders, transporters and students who want a Mexico, a city worthy for our children.
Freedom! Autonomy! self! horizontal!
youth in alternative resistance / jra
Mexico City: 36266692
Pedro Echeverria V.
1. Read it: "The Federal Superior Audit concluded that the Vicente Fox and the first two years of the presidency of Felipe Calderón of the PAN government obtained a trillion windfall 281 billion 902.7 million pesos, half-surplus tankers that were squandered nearly all current spending PAN bureaucracy, and state and municipalities. Specifically during the period 2003 and 2008, 71.8 percent of those surplus budget was devoted to additions to federal and state, which were mainly for current spending, reported yesterday at the Chamber of Deputies by the Public Accounts review 2008 . Another 15.4 percent was transferred to the Stabilization Fund oil revenues and 12.8 percent of Pemex Fund. "
2. The audit found that nearly 3 thousand employees earn more than the President, 2 000 912 civil servants of middle and upper Calderón government and autonomous entities, as the Supreme Court of Justice and the Federal Tribunal of Fiscal and Administrative Justice, received a higher salary than the executive. The payment of such wages cost the treasury 4 000 101 000 000 501 000 pesos, 0.9 percent of the total disbursed in Chapter 1000, known as personal services. So far enough. What should be done? Is it enough to give up and go to his house to plan more business and leisure travelers to enjoy the millions of pesos or dollars missing and disappointed? The reality is that all these presidents of the PRI and PAN, with Calderon, long ago should be jail after removing their millions.
3. After squandering the millions of millions, with which it could create hundreds of thousands of jobs, moving away a little from the global economic crisis, the government invented "a large gap in the economy that people have to pay liability. Sharp increases were enacted in articles, increased taxes, increased VAT, cut budgets for health, education, country, foreign affairs, even in the INEGI which provides data on the situation in the country. Now they say that the "gap" was not as big and the government also had his "stash." I would not say that all legislators are idiots to fool with "gap" and "stash", rather say that "political class" are complicit in all theft, fraud and deceit committed by governments against the people. 4. But 70 percent of the Mexican people do not even want to know about these things because in his religion "is happier ignoring them" - gives a damn about what happens in politics, economics, education. He just knows that today, perhaps tomorrow, you should eat with their children, and must procure in some way. Know the people that politicians steal, but no idea how or if these scams have to do with his life. In fact, in Mexico all that alliances of parties, drugs, killings and massive embezzlement of public budget by government officials and businessmen, is only published in some newspapers and magazines read only politicians, businessmen and scholars, a minority not reach 5 percent of the population. Is it the people guilty of oppression do not read or heard?
5. Poor people so alienated, oppressed and tough, but also poor for us that we are aware, we often delude daily struggle against the power and thinking that one day that people and we stood up beside him to kill this damn world is upside down to put up. The reality is that their load is too heavy and it is very difficult to realize the reality. Perhaps, as advocated by religion, is less difficult to bear that burden to try to free her. Can you imagine how many hours of TV and radio alienating, fools, idiots, have to do for hours every day, for "killing time"? The word, says researcher Sartori, is deposed by the image. "We do not realize that the act of Televen is changing the nature of man." Some defend ourselves, "but the people? 6. Who will learn of the thefts and fraud by Fox and Calderon was 0.5 percent who read La Jornada and two or three newspapers? Can we think that television will explain the case at any time? What justice agencies under the State and government: Attorney, Supreme Court, will ignore the note of the Audit of the Federation and then put to seriously investigate the billions of pesos to be squandered? That Mexico is screwed up by the arrangements and agreements between the political class, no doubt. Just as arranged between the PRI and the PAN governor of Oaxaca state in exchange for PRI votes to VAT, you can now fix the waste and millionaire fraud office. Something like it happened to my sister or my mother youth yours. Neither Fox nor Calderón will be punished or anything.
7. Imagine no more: the chubby cartens who as treasury secretary, as international condemnation, mismanaged the crisis and the Mexican economy collapsed, instead of sending him to jail political class awarded him as director of the Banco de Mexico. Salinas and Zedillo as president defrauded the federal budget, delivered to the Mexican economy and international private capital, instead of paying their misrule in prison, walking in the world doing business. Fox and Calderon, the president of entrepreneurs and for employers, squandered millions and millions and never have dreamed of being behind bars. But they can do what they please because even today "the people do not give any color paint." No way, we are left to continue taking to the streets to see if one day people wake up and start to rebel and piss off your fucking oppressors. TOP OF THE FEDERAL AUDIT:
By Jesusa Cervantes
MEXICO CITY, Feb. 17 (adopted) .- The owner Superior Audit of the Federation (ASF), Juan Manuel Portal today at the House of Representatives the results of the review of the federal government's Public Accounts for the fiscal year 2008, in which almost 7 000 500 documented irregularities in the exercise of expenditure.
In the anomalies detected by the regulatory agency does not appear, however, traces the fate of more than 300 billion dollars of surplus tankers that were reported by the Ministry of Finance in its quarterly report 2008.
subejercicio not include an expenditure of 300 billion pesos and sobreejercicio current expenditure by 115 billion pesos, identified by the Treasury in the same period.
And let alone the increase in public debt of 60 billion pesos for 2007.
As if repairs to the report of the Public Accounts of 2008 is in the range of irregularities in the exercise of spending, including a per thousand 400 million dollars committed by the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP).
According the executive summary, "the SEP made transfers of resources to other administrative units and decentralized bodies to cover personal services and operating expenses and investment."

IV MEMORIAL FOR FALLEN 65 at Pasta de Conchos
February 19, 2010
Family Pasta de Conchos, is now an agent of change, organizational and rebellion, sum and claims for the deaths of their sons, husbands, brothers ... also for other deaths by other families.
This is on par with the progressive enrichment of Minera Mexico from Grupo Mexico, which ranked second among the most profitable stations in 2009, according to financial reports of the Stock Exchange.
know that some of these profits are derived from trampling and disregard the rights workers, such as the right to job security. The experience at Pasta de Conchos, proves, as it did not dust the mine, using obsolete equipment and violation of the principle favoring labor equal work, equal pay, to the promotion of renewed contract as a form of slavery and exploitation.
IV So we arrived at Memorial, with its head held high and clear, firm voice to say with renewed hope ...
family organization Pasta de Conchos

National Union of Mining, Metallurgy, Steel AND LIKE THE MEXICAN
TELS. WITH 4 LINES 5519-2992 5519-5690 5530-1020 5538-4948
5530-0636 5519-5301 PO 12 to 872 DELEGATION BENITO JUAREZ MEXICO DF 03020
The National Union of Mining, Metallurgy, Steel and Allied Workers of the Mexican Republic and its Secretary General Mr. Napoleon Gomez Urrutia, have the honor to invite you to
XI National Mining Forum
or respect for the Law of Motion to Strike"
which will be held at Cananea Sonora Headquarters in Section 65 West 2 nd Street No. 11 Col. Centro.
The work will take place on 19 and February 20 of the 10 hrs. at 15 hrs.
look forward to your presence we ask you to confirm your participation on Friday 19 of this. thank you very much for your attention. Sincerely
"Evolution and Work"
SNTMMSSRM and General Secretary Mr. Napoleon Gomez Urrutia Posted via email
from normal-Mexico


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