Monday, April 11, 2011

Public Removing Cloths

Artigas Fictions Letters

Thursday 14 April at 19:00


Opening Exhibition "Ficciones Artigas" in
Curator: Alfredo Torres

" When Baroffio Aldo Alejandra Gonzalez and decided to address this work on the figure of José Artigas , choose a word that will be key for all possible readings of the proposal: Fiction fiction comes from the Latin ...... fictio-onis, and refers to the action and effect of faking. It also means invention, whether it is undertaken with good or not so good. (...)" The purpose was to guide the work addressed the manner in which the heroes are often seen. Models, paradigms, ideals, figures that serve many different purposes and faces showing polymorphs. It was necessary to start from elementary lines. The deconstruction of the figures, monuments as possible to reconfigure and reinterpret the image of a hero from their molds of sculptures. Artigas (...) Not the huge sculpture inaccessible pedestal. Most important: no bronze or marble. Materials has dropped solemn and overwhelmingly cool. He is a hero coined in the rough simplicity of mud, in the fragility of the plaster. He is a hero just visible behind the veil of weakness, blurred by the choir who have sought cumulative perverse appropriation or lyric banal or kind, always insufficient. A hero brittle, rough and fragmentary poetics of absence that can only be filled from the emotional complicity. A hero is needed garrison from their desolate, hot, the simplest of pieces. "

Alfredo Torres

Alejandra Gonzalez Soca. Bachelor Visual Arts Workshop, fundamental Longing Hernández, UDELAR. Degree and Graduate in Psychology, UCU. He has participated in workshops and clinics linked to production contemporary projects, experimental film, and memory mediabiografía professionals Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Spain and the United States. Designing works of visual art projects integrated into social programs in areas such as education, gender, inclusion. Since 1999 founding member and co-coordinator of the workshop space CasaBerro. Has exhibited in and outside the country and received several awards.

Baroffio Aldo. Born in Montevideo. Courses is a graduate of National School of Fine Arts, Faculty of Arts, UDELAR (Workshop Musso). He studied at the School History Humanities (UDELAR) and the Instituto de Profesores "Artigas". He studied political science at the Faculty of Social Sciences (UDELAR), photograph in the Foto Club Uruguayo, film and video with Professor Cesare Ferrari and silkscreen with Professor Oscar Ferrando.Realizó numerous solo and group exhibitions, among which are: Leviathan (Installation, Cultural Center of Spain, 2009), The Count of Count Orgaz was not (Toll Gallery, Montevideo, 2009), 53 selected for the National Award for Visual Arts (Montevideo, 2008), Ouroboros (Installation, Engelman Ost Collection , Montevideo 2008), "Tastes and Tongues" (Collective). Draft Antoni Miralda, Cultural Center of Spain Montevideo. Selected for traveling exhibition. 2007 Intervention in the Fishbowl (individual), Mars Up Market Gallery, Montevideo, 2007. Zaragoza Montevideo, Montevideo, Spaces of subversion (collective FAC), Zaragoza, Spain. 2006.

Giribaldi 2283 Thomas esq. Julio Herrera y Reissig
Parque Rodo - Montevideo - Uruguay
Tels: (598) 27116054 - 27116124 to 27116127

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