Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blood In Phlegm Sore Throat Baby

DINE hiring process. DINE IN RELAY

already been public calls for national examinations opposition to the allowing time for teachers in service and currently hold a seat on a provisional or interim, and for those who enter the teaching service for the first time, especially for normal school graduates in recent years.
Just last year, the various groups operating within the SNTE has polarized his statements on the one hand, leaders of the SNTE, consider that the calls are a major advance in educational policy in relation to six-year Alliance for Quality Education. In the same vein, the various groups opposed to the formal leaders of the SNTE, reject the measure and is likely in the coming days occur some signs of resistance.
All rookies signed SEP calls with serious contradictions and inaccuracies, revealing a trail of corruption, only masked by the overwhelming propaganda in the electronic media. Imagine for a moment to Professor Elba Esther Gordillo as the main moralizing the national education system, from their statements, either from his home in San Diego or the Hotel Presidente, DF

So far it has been argued that consideration opposition has its legal basis in paragraph B of Article 123 of the Constitution, among others, however, so far what has been shown otherwise. The measure is concerned, because what could be a valid mechanism for the selection and recruitment of teachers, to the extent legally unsubstantiated, there may be serious setbacks and regressions that can provide new grounds for conflict between the teaching profession. Struck by the fact that it is the SNTE, the union representing the workers and not the SEP as a representative of the institution, to convene in person.
I think this is because in recent years have blurred the boundaries of responsibility between the SEP and the Union. The SNTE has invaded the bureaucratic apparatus of the SEP, formally controls fifty per cent of local authorities do not appoint governors secretaries of education in their states without the approval of the President of the SNTE. Another bastion of the SNTE, is located in the Secretariat of Basic Education, the most important for its coverage and the budget available. The position is in charge of the son of Professor Chair of the SNTE.
Whether SNTE specialists have developed the content of the bases of calls, both those relating to competitive examinations as all official documents, which by law must sign the Secretary of Public Education, I I guess the right thing, formally correct, is the first institution to be named, and the SNTE and representing the interests of workers, appear in the background. Form is also back. In other words, you need to know who governs the Ministry of Education, who has the direction of public education and cultural destination of the Mexican nation.
The normally expect new and better signs of authority, we want the secretaries will be around the company and tell us the difference between an education sector program, with the priorities of the incumbent and his vision of transformation in terms of specific diagnoses on the other hand and according to this view, political arrangements and party alliances, the desirability of involving society, we want a secretary to speak to us with the truth, what are your dreams for this country that welcomes and responsibilities delegated to it, which paid a salary, which gives confidence despite their remoteness from Public Education.
We have no precise information on the hiring of Mexican teachers, but we can guess and imagine a very steep pyramid with all inequality reflects the working life of teaching, first at the top of the pyramid are the teachers higher wages, which amounts exceed twenty-five thousand dollars per month, teachers are located full-time Higher Education, such a small number of teaching exercises, these positions are usually held by leaders of the SNTE or education officials. At this peak of the pyramid are also the places of Basic Education Teaching Career, both those with and those who have two seats, all controlled by the SNTE. Down
is a very solid base of teachers called twenty-five-time hours in front of the group. Here workers fall preschool, kindergarten and primary, general and Indian education. The starting salary for these workers does not exceed five thousand dollars per month, (concept 07). We do not want to discuss if your salary is fair, we must ask is whether this wage can satisfy not only their survival needs, but also the cultural character that allows you to successfully face the challenges of their work in the classroom. If we want to get the best classroom teachers, more training, then you need to discuss the professional salary of these teachers entering the teaching service for the Opposition National Review.
There should be no illusions, for which we report, said in 1968 that the increase in one year teaching career, four years of general education after high school would improve the salaries of teachers, 1984, repeated that to professionalize the teaching, it was necessary to complete a three-year high school teaching and four teaching career. A worker with a square of twelve hours must work his twelve hours, week, month, if the worker wants to increase the hours you should seek the intervention of the Union. A school of seventy or one hundred fifty employees, will deliver via the union of thirty to forty hours of PRODET Detailed Scheduling, general secretaries delegational spread these hours among its fans, who are campaigning for the PRI or the New Alliance Party, or those who support the National Action Party candidates, as is the case of Puebla, those involved in the smear campaign against the rulers who are not related to the president of the SNTE, the mercenaries that are sold by starvation, because they need to put food on their sons and their wives. A union that represents the common interests of workers should be concerned about the employment situation of their constituents, to improve their living conditions and work to create mechanisms that allow it to pay are actually the best, unfortunately, the National Review Opposition fails to correct these flaws, makes clear and legalizes their validity. Of places in the competition for entry into the teaching service, the time places, only 10 212 are promoted, while open to competition 52 643 seater hours / week / month, with a demand of over one hundred thousand workers, recorded in the first twenty-four hours after the publication of the notice. As consideration for the granting of places teachers in service, things do not change. It has taken 6 175 places contest time or part-time and 48 464 places hours / week / month. This distressing reality must change, workers have no union to represent them. The education system is built on these bases of vileness, society and the productive system nothing can be expected, public school, but not in private. The President of the SNTE insists on reviewing "The vocation of the normal schools of the country" What the professor means is that normal schools should be closed, which each year deporting thousands of unemployed, which will not be employed or in the public sector and less in private, but the teacher is forgotten that in the last twenty years were the SNTE and the Catholic Church the two political entities benefit from the creation of normal schools without any controls, without feasibility studies, only half of ambition regional leaders and pressure from the bishops. Teachers with within four hours, with pay of two hundred dollars monthly, Will have a commitment to their students and the community they serve? I do not know if the teacher, if men and women who represent the workers say they feel a little embarrassed when they sit at the table with his family, when they know that thousands of teachers are dying of hunger literally speaking, the teacher knows how it feels, what he suffered but also received the generous help of hands, which spread the bread despite the poverty of those who did. Partners

Normally this is not a fantasy story is the reality, look for alternatives to improve the structural reforms already reached us, we defend the colleges. Unhappy

those words praising the school and with his deeds betray. CREN

for public education.


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